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Tooth-coloured fillings, also known as white fillings. With these fillings, we will restore the structure of the teeth. This treatment is an attractive option if the teeth are decayed or fractured.
We may also use the tooth-coloured fillings in Solapur cosmetically to change the teeth' shape, colour and size. With the tooth-coloured fillings, we will close the gaps, repair the chipped teeth and make the teeth look straight.
We will use the tooth-coloured composite resin cosmetically because it resembles the tooth colour. With this, we will fix the chipped front teeth.
At the clinic of Dr Shivgunde, we will treat you ideally for the tooth-coloured fillings. Some of the associated benefits of the tooth coloured fillings are:
For the composite resin fillings, BIS-GMA plays a role in forming the composite resin. In this filling, you have the material with the filler particles.
These are encased and bound by the hard matrix material. You make use of trace metals apart from zirconium and titanium.
We also provide alternatives to the tooth-coloured fillings, and these are:
Porcelain inlays will not degrade in alcohol and are aesthetic. But the drawback is the high cost. Other alternatives are:
In the tooth-coloured fillings, there is no metal. It is a prime benefit. In the case of mercury and amalgam fillings, you have a high risk of health.
Although we have not had proven conclusions about the risk of the metal fillings, this is a conception.
The cost will depend on the oral situation. It will also depend on the number of teeth for which you have to do the filling.